Two hobos on a motherboard grid, in Silicon Valley.
Two hobos on a motherboard grid, in Silicon Valley.
“Hey Yahoozi, I have found a new love and misplaced the old one in this age
of internet shuffle.”
“Good for you, Googly, lucky since you just lost your J.O.B.”
Googly said, “I told her, I can give her all she wanted of true love, if that all
she wanted, with all the caring, sincerity, humility.”
“But what I cannot give her is a palace, full of riches and the comfort zone
she is used to.”
Yahoozi said, “True True.”
Googly said,”I am a poor man with a big heart, loving a poor man should not be a big challenge if all you want is pure love...”
“Somewhere out there, someone has the capacity to love a poor man or women, then the love will tumble in and fill my begging bowl, and the rich shall shrivel up from the lack of love.”
Yahoozi said, “So what are you saying you want free love with low overhead; Googly When were you born?”
Googly said, “I was born in 1960 my name used to be Woodstock,”
May all be well with you.
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