Soul 2 Soul
Soul 2 Soul
Suddenly it happens, when you are alone or with the multitude, your human spirit reaches its limit of endurance of this world’s nonsense.
Suddenly it happens, when you are alone or with the multitude, your human spirit reaches its limit of endurance of this world’s nonsense.
The spirit cries out, in desperation, and tries to grasp at feeling, emotion, a wise saying, or even a memory of yesteryears. It searches a million thoughts in a flash to grasp for something trustworthy and familiar to guide it from its present malaise.
Tears run down on a stranger's face, you see it everywhere from fancy neighborhoods to inner-city sidewalks, and bus depots. Passerby remembers when they were also there yet at another place and yet another time. This cold dish of raw emotion is for you today, but not for me I had my fill just yesterday ….
Some of us, we are here for you, but not all of us.
Your river of emotion has run dry, and your spirit is parched, it needs just a few drops of loving humanity from a passing stranger. Only if you could be so humble to just reach out, and say,
“ Please would you help me, all I need is your love?”
God bless you
May all be well with you
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