Wedding Vows
Wedding Vows
What are two people looking for, who are strangers in the world to each other? What are two souls searching for? What is that you and I want or wanted for each other. The answer is I am looking for another one like myself, hopefully from a different family tree from far, far away. But yet the same, but better. The odds of that happening is worse than winning Lotto or getting some serious money from your mother-in-law or father-in-law. So when the time comes close for you, and me to take that bus which is leaving from the depot for a church altar near you. What do you do? Total desperation For the young there are a few options, like the dating scene, marriage brokers and, arranged marriages. If they work more power to you, otherwise it is Russian roulette, till the bitter end of time. The family clock is running, no heir apparent, the biological clock is running out, the two strangers are getting old. So now we make concessions, and decisions to get the second-best and hope for matrimonial bliss “ Nirvana. “
When the priest says, you have forsaken all other, and till death you apart. From that point on your fate is sealed, the hunt is off. All guests retire and celebrate at the hunting lodge in the city of broken dreams. Now the big question arises, after a few months, years. Are you still secretly searching for that number one, the best of the best, true carbon copy of your opposite self. The one that out there, the one that got away. Oscar Wilde said I quote “ Men always want to be a woman's first love and women want to be a man's last romance.”
What do you do if you never find that special person, or what do you do if you finally make the rare find and beat the odds? Now a new problem what if your shadow duplicate is older or younger than you, or another way around it’s a strange conundrum for us humans. Now, what do you do? History reminds us of Paris and Helen of Troy, which led to the Trojan war. The great love of Anthony and Cleopatra, and let us not forget David and Bathsheba.
Since marriage is a sacred institution, there are only but few options left to remedy this thirst and yearning to be with the one you identify the most.
“ An affair to remember and relive the sweet memories of flames of raging love.”
God Bless You
May all be well with you
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