Beware of the man who walks in moccasins these days, he is like the Yeti, you have not seen one but you know he is there somewhere.
He leaves no signs that he was there because he is the good thief of the night.
He plays hide and seek, with the night watchman all night long.
Some of us have had strange encounters, with strange beings, when the fog is heavy and the people walk on clouds, who is the devil, who is the saint we never saw their feet.
As the early dawn comes rushing in from behind the mountains and the tall tree of the meadow, the game is on, and the night watchman chases an apparition as it escapes into the fleeting night and the dew kisses the fields for the last time. They will play this game again, tonight like the sun chases the moon. Who will get the prize? the night watchman, or the thief, or will they find a friend in each other, and share the spoils of the night.
God Bless You
May all be well with you?
Beware of the man who walks in moccasins these days, he is like the Yeti, you have not seen one but you know he is there somewhere.
He leaves no signs that he was there because he is the good thief of the night.
He plays hide and seek, with the night watchman all night long.
Some of us have had strange encounters, with strange beings, when the fog is heavy and the people walk on clouds, who is the devil, who is the saint we never saw their feet.
As the early dawn comes rushing in from behind the mountains and the tall tree of the meadow, the game is on, and the night watchman chases an apparition as it escapes into the fleeting night and the dew kisses the fields for the last time. They will play this game again, tonight like the sun chases the moon. Who will get the prize? the night watchman, or the thief, or will they find a friend in each other, and share the spoils of the night.
God Bless You
May all be well with you?
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